[Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
BACKUP OPENATV 7.0 VU+ZERO4k BY LINUXSAT25 02.08.2021 CAM CCcam_2.3.9 OSCam_11.695-emu-r798 Ncam 11.9 OSCAM+SUPCAM NCAM+SUPCAM Oscam+ReVcamV2 Ncam+RevCamV2 Plugins DreamSatPanel Suptv activator ipaudio iptosat E2iplayer+Tsiplayer Kodi 2.0 + Vstream + Xstream Mediaportal Turkvod Kodilite youtube Ansite Quran karim athkar epg-import Epg grabber Epg translator KeyAdder Alternative Softcam Manager Oscam Status Ncam Status ShootYourScrenn xtraEvante RaedQuickSignal ChocholouseK Picons Internet Speed Test SubsSupport Levi45 Addons panel 3.4 TiVuStream Addons panel SatVenus panel iptv bouquet Maker JediMakerXtream XCplugins XStreamity SkinS AX_Blue_FHD_4ATV MadMax MadMax-Dual-Poster MadMax-Poster MetrixHD NitroFHD PD1LOI-Full-HD |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
: OpenATV 6.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 14.08.2021 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2021-08-14 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20210813 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2021-08-11 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-14.08.2021 ### Plugins ### Multi Stalker 1.2 StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 ajpanel 2.4.1 KeyAdder 4.4 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer TvToM3u 1.4 Openmultiboot QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Youtube TV ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam conf by levi45@ - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK - PowerVU 4.8E - OK - Tandberg 1.9 Arena sport - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.5_all oscam-emu - OSCam r11695-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11693-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://i.postimg.cc/jSXxM5Pn/LINK.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
BACKUP OPENPLI 8.1 VU+ZERO4k BY LINUXSAT25 25.08.2021 CAM CCcam_2.3.9 OSCam_11.695-emu-r798 Ncam 11.9 OSCAM+SUPCAM NCAM+SUPCAM Oscam+ReVcamV2 Ncam+RevCamV2 Plugins DreamSatPanel Suptv activator ipaudio V5.1 iptosat V1.8 AJpanel V2.4.1 MultiStalker 1.3 and 43 portals E2iplayer+Tsiplayer TSmedia V17.2 Kodi 18.9 + Vstream + Xstream + Matrix + Netflix Mediaportal Freearhey Turkvod Youtube YoutubTV Ansite Quran karim athkar Athan Times FootOnSat V1.4 epg-import Epg grabber Epg translator BissFeedAutoKey KeyAdder CCcam INfo Oscam Status Ncam Status OPENMULTIBOOT MUltiBoot Flash ONline ChocholouseK Picons RaedQuickSignal Arbic Savior SubsSupport Weather Plugin Weather Msn xtraEvante m3uPlayer VolkaTv ATlas-Pro IPTV JediMakerXtream V6.17 XCplugins XStreamity V3.06 SkinS BLACK-NEON-FHD BLACK-NEON-V4-FHD CH.LEAGUE-S-FHD EkselanceXE EURO2020-T-FHD FullHDLine iFlatFHD MadMax MadMax-Dual-Poster MadMax-Poster Nacht NitroFHD RedDream password: dreambox https://i.postimg.cc/RVpkf4QL/dload.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: Openspa 7.5 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 28.08.2021 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2021-08-28 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 7.5 Build: 002 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2021-07-10 Skin OpenStarHD FULL HD 1920x1080p Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change weather settings = menu - system - SpaMsnWeather Change password = menu - receiver setup - system - network - password setup Change network settings = menu - receiver setup - system - network - device setup Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-25.08.2021 ### Plugins ### Panel Extra DreamSatPanel Multi Stalker 1.3 StreamLinksrv 1.8.2 ajpanel 2.4.1 FootOnSat 1.4 KeyAdder 4.9 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Youtube ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam conf by levi45@ - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK - PowerVU 4.8E - OK - Tandberg 1.9 Arena sport - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### oscam-emu - OSCam r11695-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam - OSCam r11695 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam_1.20 ) ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://i.postimg.cc/RVpkf4QL/dload.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
: OpenATV 6.4 ::
:: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 18.09.2021 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2021-09-18 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20210915 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2021-09-15 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-18.09.2021 ### Plugins ### PlutoTV DreamSatPanel Multi Stalker 1.2 StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 TivuStream Addon Panel 2.0.3 ajpanel 2.5.1 KeyAdder 5.1 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer TvToM3u 1.4 Openmultiboot QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Youtube TV ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam conf by levi45@ - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK - PowerVU 4.8E - OK - Tandberg 1.9 Arena sport - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.5_all oscam-emu - OSCam r11693-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://i.postimg.cc/RVpkf4QL/dload.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
: PurE2 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 04.11.2021 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup Full Image Backup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2021-11-04 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.5 Build: 001 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2021-10-19 Skin Estuary 1920x1080p Channel list style = Alternative Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-30.10.2021 ### Plugins ### ajpanel 3.1.0 adultlive 1.2 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 IPTV Stalker StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 KeyAdder 5.2 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 Freearhey 2.5 FootOnSat 1.4 Speedtest Pluto TV S.T.V.C.L 1.1 TivuStream Addon 2.0.5 TvToM3u 1.4 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.58 EPG-Importer WorldCam 4.1_r3 QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Youtube TV ### softcam instaled ### oscam-emu - OSCam r11702-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam conf by levi45@ - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK - PowerVU 4.8E - OK - Tandberg 1.9 Arena sport - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 6.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 24.12.2021 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2021-12-24 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20211223 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2021-12-22 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-19.12.2021 edited lamedb for powervu 0.8w ### Plugins ### ajpanel 3.2.4 adultlive 1.3 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 KeyAdder 5.7 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 Freearhey 2.5 FootOnSat 1.4 Speedtest Pluto TV S.T.V.C.L 1.2 TivuStream Addon 2.0.5 TvToM3u 1.4 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer Openmultiboot WorldCam 4.1_r3 QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Youtube TV ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK ( settings with edited lamedb ) - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.5_all cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11695-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) oscam conf & dvbapi by levi45@ Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenBH :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 03.01.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup OpenBH 5.0.007 Skin:BlackShadowSE P extra skin:BlackShadow X2P Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-30.12.2021 ### Plugins ### ajpanel 3.3.0 adultlive 1.3 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 KeyAdder 5.7 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 Freearhey 2.6 FootOnSat 1.4 Speedtest Pluto TV S.T.V.C.L 1.1 TivuStream Addon 2.0.5 TvToM3u 1.4 xtraEvent HBBTV SubSupport EPG-Importer Openmultiboot Youtube QuickSignal Mod by RAED 13.5 Foreca weather - Novi Sad,Brlgrade,Subotica ( Change to your location ) Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### softcam instaled ### cccam 2.3.8 ( cccam.cfg /etc ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by levi45@ Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS cccam.cfg free server by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - PowerVU 0.8W - OK ( settings with edited lamedb ) - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenPli 8.1 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 16.01.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup Back-up = 2022.01.16_16:39 Version = openpli 8.1-release Flashed = 2022.01.16_00:32 Updated = 2022.01.16_16:36 Drivers = Enigma2 = 2021-10-07-release-8.1 Skin:MetriXperiencE extra: PLi-FullnightHD PLi-HD-FullNight PLi-FullHD PLi-HD PLi-HD1 PLi-HD2 Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: default Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-15.01.2022 ### Plugins ### ajpanel 3.3.0 adultlive 1.3 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 StreamLinksrv KeyAdder 5.7 FeedsFinder 1.6 FootOnSat 1.4 Speedtest Pluto TV TivuStream Addon 2.0.5 SubSupport EPG-Importer Openmultiboot Youtube Backupsuite QuickSignal Mod by RAED 13.8 Foreca weather - Novi Sad,Brlgrade,Subotica ( Change to your location ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### softcam instaled ### oscam-emu - OSCam r11693-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS cccam.cfg free server by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK ( astra-sm ) - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 6.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 16.02.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2022-02-16 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20220215 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2022-02-12 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-13.02.2022 ### Plugins ### ajpanel 4.0.0 adultlive 1.3 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 KeyAdder 5.7 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 Freearhey 2.6 FootOnSat 1.4 Speedtest Pluto TV S.T.V.C.L 1.2 TivuStream Addon 2.0.8 TvToM3u 1.4 File Commander IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer HBBTV SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer Openmultiboot WorldCam 4.2_r0 Xhamster XCpluginn 2.2 xstreamity Youtube TV QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.5_all cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) oscam conf & dvbapi by levi45@ Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.1 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 20.02.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2022-02-20 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.1 Build: 20220217 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2022-02-17 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv MaMax-Poster MadMax-Dual-Poster Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings Channel list: ciefp-E2-75E-34W-13.01.2022 ### Plugins ### ajpanel 4.1.0 adultlive 1.3 KeyAdder 5.7 Freearhey 2.6 FootOnSat 1.4 Pluto TV HBBTV Hasbahca Speedtest Streamlinksrv S.T.V.C.L 1.2 TivuStream Addon 2.0.8 File Commander SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer WorldCam 4.2_r0 Xhamster XCpluginn 1.8 xstreamity YoutubeTV QuickSignal Mod by RAED V8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - Biss Digea 3.0E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_9.0_all cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport Restore any button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.1 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 30.03.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2022-03-30 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.1 Build: 20220328 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2022-03-28 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Video resolution : automatic simple Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-26.03.2022 ### Streamrelay ### - T2MI RTRS Yamal 402 54.9E - T2MI RTRS Express AM8 14W - T2MI Piemonte 1 Eutelsat 5 5W - Abertis 30W ### Plugins ### ajpanel 4.3.0 adultlive 1.3 KeyAdder 5.7 Freearhey 2.6 FootOnSat 1.4 Pluto TV HBBTV Hasbahca 1.3 Speedtest Streamlinksrv S.T.V.C.L 1.2 TivuStream Addon 2.0.8 File Commander SubSupport 1.56 EPG-Importer WorldCam 4.2_r0 Xhamster XCpluginn 2.2 xstreamity 3.63 YoutubeTV QuickSignal Mod by RAED V8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 3.0E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.7 cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scam,Signal finder,Blind scan Restore any button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 6.4 ::
:: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 31.03.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2022-03-31 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20220330 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2022-03-29 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-31.03.2022 ### Streamrelay ### - T2MI RTRS Yamal 402 54.9E - T2MI RTRS Express AM8 14W - T2MI Piemonte 1 Eutelsat 5 5W - Abertis 30W ### Plugins ### ajpanel 4.3.0 DreamSatPanel 1.2 Multi Stalker 1.3 KeyAdder 5.7 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 File Commander Freearhey 2.6 HasBahCa 1.3 Pluto TV FootOnSat 1.4 SubSupport 1.56 S.T.V.C.L 1.2 TivuStream Addon 2.0.8 adultlive 1.3 Xhamster Xvideos18plus XCpluginn 2.2 xstreamity 3.63 Speedtest 1.2 TvToM3u 1.4 WorldCam 4.2_r0 Openmultiboot IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer FNC HBBTV EPG-Importer Youtube TV StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by enigma1969 Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 3.0E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.7 cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) oscam conf & dvbapi by levi45@ Softcamkey by enigma1969 oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
vuzero4k openpli backup by sadem
https://i.hizliresim.com/4wnn0z1.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/flmo4l3.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/b06mzrv.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/4yoxkju.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/elos6du.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/nsmdgbs.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/cdnmcmx.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/2w2ride.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/7dh8ztf.jpg https://s7.dosya.tc/server21/iww4k6/...sadem.zip.html |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 6.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 07.06.2022 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2022-06-07 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: Broadcom Cores: 2 Version: 6.4 Build: 20220606 Kernel: 4.1.20 Drivers: 2021-04-07 Last update: 2022-05-26 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Extra skin: MADMAX impossible skin Openatv Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-05.06.2022 ### Streamrelay ### - T2MI RTRS Yamal 402 54.9E - T2MI RTRS Express AM8 14W - T2MI Piemonte 1 Eutelsat 5 5W - Abertis 30W ### Plugins ### ajpanel 5.3.0 DreamSatPanel 1.3 Multi Stalker 1.3 KeyAdder 5.7 BisssFeedAutokey 2.8 FeedsFinder 1.6 File Commander Freearhey 2.6 HasBahCa 1.5 Pluto TV FootOnSat 1.6 SubSupport 1.58 TivuStream Addon 2.0.8 adultlive 1.3 Xhamster Xvideos18plus XCpluginn 2.2 xstreamity 3.67 Speedtest 1.2 TvToM3u 1.4 WorldCam 4.2_r0 Openmultiboot IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer FNC HBBTV EPG-Importer Youtube TV StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3 QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions ) TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 3.0E - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.7 cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key ) oscam-emu - OSCam r11711-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) oscam - OSCam r11704-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Hotkey setup ### Radio - EPG Importer TV - Subsupport PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED REC - IMDB-FNC Restore REC button Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. Quote:
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.3 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 09.07.2023 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2023-07-09 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.3 Build: 20230622 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 20230622 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-02.07.2023 ### Streamrelay ### - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI RTRS Yamal 402 54.9E - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI Zeonbud 4.8E - T2MI Mediaset Eutelsat 5 5W ### Plugins ### ajpanel 8.8.6 DreamSatPanel 1.5 Multi Stalker 1.5 Multi StalkerPro 1.0 KeyAdder 7.2 File Commander7 Freearhey 2.8 Rakuten TV Pluto TV FootOnSat 1. HasBahCa 1.5 HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player SubSupport 1.56 Chocholousek picons ONEupdater E2 JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream xstreamity 3.92 Speedtest 1.7 WorldCam 4.2_r4 Openmultiboot HBBTV EPG-Importer Youtube StreamlinkWrapper QuickSignal Mod by RAED 16.9 TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal_4.7 oscam-emu - OSCam r11711-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) OSCam r11719-798 - MOHAMED_OS r11719-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) - SKY DE oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://ufile.io/yjbba1pl |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: PurE2 7.3 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 12.07.2023 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup Full Image Backup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2023-07-11 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.3 Build: 001 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 001 Skin Estuary 1920x1080p Channel list style = Alternative Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-02.07.2023 ### Streamrelay ### - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI RTRS Yamal 402 54.9E - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI Zeonbud 4.8E - T2MI Mediaset Eutelsat 5 5W ### Plugins FNC ### IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer FNC LiveFeeds-FNC xHamster-FNC Radio-FNC WAZZup-FNC ### Plugins ### ajpanel 8.8.6 DreamSatPanel 1.5 Multi Stalker 1.5 Multi StalkerPro 1.0 KeyAdder 7.2 Freearhey 2.6 Rakuten TV Pluto TV FootOnSat 1.7 HasBahCa 1.5 HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player SubSupport 1.56 Chocholousek picons ONEupdater E2 JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream xstreamity 3.92 Openmultiboot HBBTV EPG-Importer Youtube StreamlinkWrapper QuickSignal Mod by RAED 16.9 TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather MSN - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### softcam instaled ### OscamEmu - OscamEmu ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/) OSCam r11719-798 - MOHAMED_OS r11719-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - OK - Digea biss 39E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK Restore anny button = menu - setup - system - Keybord/RC - extra button setup ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://ufile.io/ey788o6d |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
vuzero4k bysadem backup openpli9.0 py3
vuzero4k openpli9.0 backup bysadem Make sure you set your tuner You will see the necessary plug-ins in the pictures, there are still missing parts in this software, I could not install most of the plug-ins. vpn works very well enjoy watching https://i.hizliresim.com/p98v9ww.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/pyjjwgq.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/2w7zusk.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/pzgq8af.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/q8oi4my.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/bi68cbc.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/372h0u1.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/8pl2kdx.jpg https://i.hizliresim.com/d8y50s3.jpg https://www.dosya.tc/server43/7tmoo6...i.9.0.zip.html |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: PurE2 7.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 24.04.2024 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2024-04-24 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.4 Build: 001 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 001 Skin Estuary 1920x1080p Channel list style = Alternative Video resolution : 1920x1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user:root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-12.04.2024 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - skyde - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI BRT 23.5E - T2MI BRT 4.8E ### Plugins FNC ### Filmxy-FNC iwaatch-FNC LiveFeeds-FNC Serien-FNC SportKlub-FNC Streamlord-FNC Vijesti-FNC xHamster-FNC IMDB-FNC HbbTvplayer FNC Radio-FNC WAZZup-FNC ### Plugins ### ajpanel 9.3.1 KeyAdder 8.2 HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player Multi StalkerPro 1.1 FootOnSat FreeServer Pluto TV Rakuten TV SamsungTVPlus SatVenus Panel ONEupdater E2 3.0 SubSupport 1.58 Weather plugin OA - Weather plugin Chocholousek picons BouketMakerXtream JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream xstreamity 4.40 Youtube RAEDQuickSignal 17.0 Openmultiboot HBBTV EPG-Importer StreamlinkWrapper Youtube TV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) OA - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### softcam instaled ### OSCam r11766-r801 - MOHAMED_OS r11766-r801 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - Digea biss 39E - OK - ERT biss 39E - OK ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 28.04.2024 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2024-04-28 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.4 Build: 20240427 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 20240427 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080i Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-25.04.2024 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - skyde - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI BRT 23.5E - T2MI BRT 4.8E ### Plugins ### ajpanel 9.3.1 Multi StalkerPro 1.1 KeyAdder 8.2 File Commander HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player Footonsat FreeServer ONEupdater E2 3.0 SatVenus Panel E2iPlayer Filmon Player Filmxy 1.3 Freearhey 2.8 HasBahCa 1.6 Parsa TV Pluto TV Rakuten TV SamsungTVPlus SubSupport 1.58 Weather plugin OA - Weather plugin Chocholousek picons BouketMakerXtream JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream XCplugin 2.2 xstreamity 4.40 Youtube WorldCam 4.3 TvToM3u 1.8 MyMetrixLite Openmultiboot RAEDQuickSignal 17.0 Speedtest 1.7 HBBTV EPG-Importer StreamlinkWrapper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) OA - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal CCcam-239 oscam-emu - OSCam r11726-799 icam v9 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) OSCam r11770-801 - MOHAMED_OS r11770-801 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenATV 7.3_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240503
py 3.11.2 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy_1.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9-r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer-zadmario- 0105.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.40 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.4 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1196 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- CobaltFHD - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- MetrixHD Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.779_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/YS0X6CZp/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/XJ1FKd8D/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/MKdG0LDF/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/dV3V59Nt/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/7ZRYdTj1/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/zBCzy2vp/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nrnHBKQx/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/gj4GDwvZ/skin.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/90v7K2sd/oscam.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/v9jxekip5oz19la/openatv-7.3-vuzero4k-backup-20240503_2114_usb.zip/file |
OpenATV 7.3 VU+ Zero 4K Backup by JAKITAKI
Backup OpenATV 7.3_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240503
py 3.11.2 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy_1.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9-r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer-zadmario- 0105.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.40 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.4 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1196 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- CobaltFHD - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- MetrixHD Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.779_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/YS0X6CZp/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/XJ1FKd8D/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/MKdG0LDF/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/dV3V59Nt/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/7ZRYdTj1/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/zBCzy2vp/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nrnHBKQx/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/gj4GDwvZ/skin.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/90v7K2sd/oscam.jpg DOWNLOAD => CLICK HERE |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenSPA 8.3.005_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240505
py 3.11.2 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9.r1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 01.052024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0_ - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.40 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v5.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions- SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1196 Skins - enigma2-plugin-skins- OpenStarHD - enigma2-plugin-skins- Premium-FHD-blue_2.7 Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.779_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/QNfdW4WF/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/cHb3JCSy/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/kGPx3Qdf/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/Wp0GmHMK/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/hPg921sG/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/yYP0t3py/skin.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/1XVqVSmg/oscam.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/bljxczr8vxng36d/openspa-8.3.005-vuzero4k-backup-20240505_2107_usb.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenVIX 6.5.003_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240506
py 3.12.2 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9.r1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 06.05.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0_ - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.40 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions- SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_py3-git1201 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- PLi FullNightHD-Mod_M-PY3 - enigma2-plugin-skins- Magic-FHD - enigma2-plugin-skins- Simple Ten Eighty Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams- Oscam-11.779_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams- NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams- CCcam-2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/rmhm4wj4/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/gj0gwFWh/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/Vvpk7Z3L/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/44SyNnmk/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/RVJF39H3/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/Xv0xfyW4/mrnu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/9Q3fZSdL/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/vZWZzzXb/skin.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/4488Dd6Q/oscam.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/htog9vesnuym2bk/openvix-6.5-003-vuzero4k-20240506_210222_mmc.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup SatDreamGr 10_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240507
py 3.9.9 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9.r1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 06.05.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0_ - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.43 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions- SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_py3-git1201 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Algare-FHD-PLi 3.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- ProteusFHD - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Satdreamgr-HD-TransBA Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.780_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/85fs6HMh/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/tC1DJxZB/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/XYd8c6gF/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nLx13SdW/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/ZqLx2P25/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/KzvD2khr/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/ydQXY1Vq/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/PJCbCgxC/skiny.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/qBFXPvby/oscam.jpg DOWNLOAD => CLICK HERE |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup CobraLiberoSat 9.0_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240507
py 3.9.9 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9.r1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 06-05.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0_ - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.43 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions- SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1201 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Cobra-Gri-Pli Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.780_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/2y34JsNz/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/KvkP5h5f/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/C50H5Yj1/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/GtjPsNQj/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/PfbQcpj8/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/bNz9jyyV/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/ZKRvcCKm/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/0yK6TFwH/skiny.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/zGTT9w6R/oscam.jpg DOWNLOAD => CLCIK HERE pozz.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenTR 11.0 r0_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240508
py 3.9.9 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45multicammanager_10.1-r20 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240220 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 06.05.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-pluginspanel_1.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 2.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.43 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent - v6.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1201 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Algare-FHD-PLi 3.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- oZeta-FHD Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.780_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/Jn9Cc9wH/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/VsC8LLMq/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/x10DRvZ5/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/XvqMMV4y/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/bvB7pKwV/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/MTfhTdc6/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/qqfWCyn8/skiny.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/C5jXC5H9/oscam.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/zderd0wiqctweib/opentr11.0r0-backup-zero4k-20240508_usb.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
VU+ Zero 4K OpenATV 7.4 full backup ciefp
:: OpenATV 7.4 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 12.11.2023 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2023-11-12 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.4-devel Build: 20231111 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 20231111 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-11.11.2023 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - skyde - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI Zeonbud 4.8E - T2MI Mediaset Eutelsat 5 5W ### Plugins ### ajpanel 9.0.0 DreamSatPanel 1.6 Multi Stalker 1.5 Multi StalkerPro 1.0 KeyAdder 7.6 File Commander FootOnSat 1.7 Freearhey 2.8 Filmxy 1.3 HasBahCa 1.5 Rakuten TV Pluto TV SamsungTVPlus HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player SubSupport 1.56 ONEupdater E2 2.9 JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream xstreamity 4.16 XCplugin 2.2 Speedtest 1.7 WorldCam 4.3 TvToM3u Openmultiboot HBBTV EPG-Importer Youtube StreamlinkWrapper QuickSignal Mod by RAED 16.9 TheWeather 1.8 - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location = menu-help ) Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal oscam-emu - OSCam r11711-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) OSCam r11719-798 - MOHAMED_OS r11719-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) - SKY DE oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS DOWNLOAD => CLICK HERE pozz.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.4 A.I. beta2 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 09.06.2024 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup [Image Info] Model: Vu+ Zero4K Backup Date: 2024-06-09 Chipset: BCM72604 CPU: 72604 (ARMv7) CPU speed/cores: 1.5 GHz/2 cores CPU brand: Broadcom SoC family: bcm72604 Version: 7.4.AI.b2 Build: 20240512 Kernel version: 4.1.20-1.9 Drivers version: 2021-04-07 Last update 20240512 Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080i Only minor changes in color and appearance of the skin Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings change a.i. subtitle = menu - setup - audio - subtitle settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-08.06.2024 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - skyde - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI BRT 23.5E - T2MI BRT 4.8E ### Plugins ### ajpanel 9.4.0 KeyAdder 8.2 Multi StalkerPro 1.2 Vavoo 1.5 File Commander FreeServer SatVenus Panel ONEupdater E2 3.0 HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player SubSupport 1.58 Weather plugin OA - Weather plugin SamsungTVPlus Pluto TV Rakuten TV Chocholousek picons BouketMakerXtream JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream XCplugin 2.2 xstreamity 4.40 Youtube Webcamviewer MyMetrixLite Openmultiboot RAEDQuickSignal 17.0 HBBTV EPG-Importer StreamlinkWrapper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) OA - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - BBC 27.5W - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal OSCam r11783-801 - MOHAMED_OS r11770-801 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. https://www.mediafire.com/file/s1o1b...4_usb.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenSPA 8.3.006_PULSe 4K Mini by JAKITAKI_20240612
py 3.11.2 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.231225 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.4.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_23.12.27 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker 1.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-rakutentv - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vavoo_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy_1.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9-r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240511 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 06.05.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 3.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.16 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.53 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1207 Skins - enigma2-plugin-skins- Cooper-FHD_2.3 - enigma2-plugin-skins- OpenStarHD Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.790_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu DOWNLOAD => CLICK HERE pozz.gif |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenATV 7.4_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240714
py 3.12.4 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.240626 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.4.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_24.05.12 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r19 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalker pro 1.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-rakutentv - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vavoo_2.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy_1.4 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9-r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.6 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240511 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 30.06.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_2.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-worldcam_4.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.17 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xklass_1.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.53 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xtraevent_6.77 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1217 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Algare 3.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- MetrixHD Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.785_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-14.9 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/g2bv7F5H/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/DwFrtN4T/info.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/DwvnZvmH/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/3xt70svR/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/qR3dYgZh/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/GhQn6WzQ/menu.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/63dmnZm0/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/mkB6wDxG/skin.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nzTVw2MF/oscam.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/a4kgrdvl16ki9ju/openatv-7.4-vuzero4k-backup-20240714_1355_usb.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.5 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 21.07.2024 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup imageversion=7.5 oever=OE-Alliance 5.5 distro=openatv brandoem=vuplus displaybrand='Vu+' displaydistro='openATV' displaymodel='Zero4K' kernel='4.1.20-1.9' python='3.12' imagebuild=20240720 Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-20.07.2024 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI Dasto Semtel 16.0E - T2MI BRT 23.5E - T2MI BRT 4.8E ### Plugins ### ajpanel 9.4.0 r1 KeyAdder 8.2 File Commander Multi StalkerPro 1.2 Vavoo 1.20 SatVenus Panel ONEupdater E2 3.1 FreeServer FootOnSat OA - Weather plugin HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player Filmon Player Filmxy 1.4 Freearhey 2.9 HasBahCa 1.6 Parsa TV Pluto TV Rakuten TV SamsungTVPlus SubSupport 1.58 Chocholousek picons BouketMakerXtream JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream Worldcam Youtube MyMetrixLite Openmultiboot Internet Speed test RAEDQuickSignal 17.0 HBBTV EPG-Importer StreamlinkWrapper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OA - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### Softcam ### Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS - Abertis hispasat 30w ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse - Biss Digea 39.E - ERT biss 39E ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal OSCam 11807-r802 - MOHAMED_OS 2.24.07-11807-802 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/ ) oscam conf,free server & dvbapi by MOHAMED_OS Softcamkey by MOHAMED_OS |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
Backup OpenVIX 6.6.005_VU Zero 4K by JAKITAKI_20240808
py 3.12.4 - channel list Hotbird 13E & Astra 19.2E by JAKITAKI Plugins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-chocholousek-picons_5.0.240626 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-ajpanel_v9.4.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-s4aupdater_24.05.12 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-satvenus-panel_7.3.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-levi45-addon-manager_10.1-r19 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-multistalkerpro 1.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-rakutentv - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vavoo_1.24 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-filmxy_1.4 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_8.3.8 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-footonsat_1.9-r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-hasbahca_1.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_6.34 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv_20240511 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer - 30.06.2024 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-oscamstatus_6.3 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-vhannibal-autosetting-ngsetting_2.7 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-freearhey_3.0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_18.3_r0 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-worldcam_4.5 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-forever - 3.1 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-bouquetmakerxtream_1.18 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xklass_1.10 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_4.55 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-SHOUTcast - enigma2-plugin-extensions-AddKey-8.2 - enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1225 Skins - enigma2-plugin-extensions-skin- Algare 3.7 - enigma2-plugin-skins- Simple Ten Eighty Cams - enigma2-plugin-cams-Oscam-11.814_ICam - enigma2-plugin-cams-NCam-15.0 - enigma2-plugin-cams-CCcam 2.3.9 FTP - root - satedu https://i.postimg.cc/rmhm4wj4/bootlogo.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/MpfHPtdJ/1-0-1-...0808204836.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/SsgZYwCC/1.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/DfYjv32K/2.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/SN2Zj1sY/3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/qq1dp4YP/1-0-1-...0805205245.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/G2mKRqV2/wtyczki.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/mgXhmGg6/1-0-1-...0805205205.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/JhFDzWwB/1-0-1-...0805205127.jpg Code:
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/qon08m0yba69gq4/openvix-vuzero4k-release-6.6.005-20240808_usb.zip/file |
Re: [Backup] VU+ Zero4K images
:: OpenATV 7.5 :: :: VU+Zero 4K :: :: 01.09.2024 :: ..::Backup by ciefp®::.. #vuzero4kbackup displaydistro=openATV imageversion = 7.5. GCC version = 14.1.0 Glibc version = 2.39 OpensSL = 3.3.1-r01 Python version = 3.12.4 GStreamer version = 1.24.4 FFmpeg version = 7.0.1-r3 Video resolution : 1080p Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia Configuration tuner : Positioner Network : fixed user: root pass: ciefp Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings ### Channel list ### ciefp-E2-75E-34W-30.08.2024 ### Streamrelay ### - whitelist_streamrelay - SKYDE 19.2E - Sky UK 28.2E - Sky Italy 13.0E - Abertis 30w - T2MI Dasto Semtel 33.0E - T2MI Dasto Semtel 16.0E - T2MI BRT 23.5E - T2MI BRT 4.8E ### Plugins ### ajpanel 10.0.0 KeyAdder 8.2 Multi StalkerPro 1.2 Vavoo 1.28 Linuxsat Panel SatVenus Panel ONEupdater E2 3.1 Astronomy 1.3 OA - Weather plugin FootOnSat HDF-Radio HDF-Radio Player Openmultiboot File Commander Filmon Player Freearhey 2.9 HasBahCa 1.6 Parsa TV SubSupport 1.58 Youtube SamsungTVPlus Pluto TV Rakuten TV TiVuStream Addon Panel 2.0.8 Chocholousek picons BouketMakerXtream JediMakerExtream JediEPGXtream Xstreamity Worldcam RAEDQuickSignal 17.4 TVtoM3u 1.8 Internet Speed test MyMetrixLite HBBTV EPG-Importer StreamlinkWrapper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OA - Weather plugin - Kisač Serbia( Change to your location ) ### softcam instaled ### softcam-feed-universal oscam-emu - OSCam 2.24.08-11822-802 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu ) ..:: ciefpsettings ::.. openatv-7.5-vuzero4k-backup-ciefp_01.09.2024_usb.zip |
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