: OpenATV 6.4 ::
:: VU+Zero 4K ::
:: 14.08.2021 ::
..::Backup by ciefp®::..
[Image Info]
Model: Vu+ Zero4K
Backup Date: 2021-08-14
Chipset: BCM72604
CPU: Broadcom
Cores: 2
Version: 6.4
Build: 20210813
Kernel: 4.1.20
Drivers: 2021-04-07
Last update: 2021-08-11
Skin Metrix FULL HD 1920x1080p
Only minor changes in color
and appearance of the skin
Extra skin:
MADMAX impossible skin Openatv
Video resolution : 1920x1080p
Timezone : GMT+1 Serbia
Configuration tuner : Positioner
Network : fixed
user:root pass: ciefp
Change password = menu - setup - system - network - password setup
Mymetrix weather settings: Kisač Serbia( Change to your location )
Plugins > mymetrix lite > weather settings
Channel list:
### Plugins ###
Multi Stalker 1.2
StreamLink [-27] Livestreamer v3.3
ajpanel 2.4.1
KeyAdder 4.4
BisssFeedAutokey 2.8
FeedsFinder 1.6
File Commander
SubSupport 1.56
TvToM3u 1.4
QuickSignal Mod by RAED 8.1 ( don't update, youtubetv doesn't work with new versions )
Weather MSN Kisač Serbia( Change to your location )
Weather plugin Kisač Serbia( Change to your location )
Youtube TV
### Softcam ###
Softcamkey by enigma1969
oscam conf by levi45@
- RTRS T2MI Yamal 402 54.9E OK
- Abertis hispasat 30w - OK ( astra-sm ) ( sysctl conf - no freeze ) thnaks Pirilampo Satuniverse
- BBC 27.5W - OK
- PowerVU 0.8W - OK
- PowerVU 4.8E - OK
- Tandberg 1.9 Arena sport - OK
- Biss Digea 3.0E - OK
- ERT biss 39E - OK
### softcam instaled ###
oscam-emu - OSCam r11695-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config )
oscam-emu - OSCam r11693-798 ( oscam.server /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu )
cccam 2.3.2 r1 ( CCcam.cfg /etc ) ( softcam /usr/keys/SoftCam.Key )
### Hotkey setup ###
Radio - EPG Importer
TV - Subsupport
PVR - Manual scan,Signal finder,Blind scan
RED - HBBTV player ,HBBTV aplication
TEXT - QuickSignal Mod by RAED
Restore REC button
Menu - setup - usage & user interface - hotkey setup
rec button - plugins - imdb fnc - save
..:: ciefpsettings ::..