View Full Version : amiko 8150HD - SERVER

22-02-2015, 11:01
Hello everybody!
I have a 8150hd that is working very good with cccam as a client, I have him conected to a dm500.
I want to make the 8150 server, to put a focus card and give peer to my dm 500, I looked up the internet, I tried but nothink. Can anyone tell me how to doit.
Thank you.

04-03-2015, 15:16
hi am am looking for help to dowwnload software fof amik hd8150 if anybobd couuld help me please

04-03-2015, 18:51
hi am am looking for help to dowwnload software fof amik hd8150 if anybobd couuld help me please

Mate,have a look here: