View Full Version : AMIKO HD-8260+ EMU

23-04-2015, 17:03
Hi guys!
I have a new AMIKO HD-8260+ and I have tried various EMU firmwares, but I can't find the EMU section in the menu. I'm gonna try right now with the Galaxy_2.0.76. Could you tell me if there is some hidden menu or if I have to do something by ftp to enable the CAM?
Thanks in advance.

24-04-2015, 12:54
Hello mate,i have an Amiko Mini HD. So i suppose the settings must be the same.
You go: CA settings------>Press O.K------->Key Edit---.Press O.K and you have the list with the various key formats.
Or CA settings------> Key Edit -----> Press Red button to load the mcaskey.bin from the root of your USB stick.
Please tell me if you found any solution bacause i'm interested to buy this receiver in the future.

07-09-2015, 18:33
hi i needid for universal menu code for amiko 8260+