View Full Version : reset password

30-06-2015, 22:18
Hi, I have mini hd receiver which i bought in Dec 2012. The person i bought it from never gave me the password that he put on to access the menu.
My system needs updating but i cant access the menu.Any help would be appreciated

30-06-2015, 22:50
prob 0000 1234

01-07-2015, 08:27
prob 0000 1234

you must upgrade to cable null modem 232RS!this is toolbox for amiko http://www.world-satellite.net/112791-amiko-hd-tool-box-2-1-a.html.you must do bootloader!reset all!!!

01-07-2015, 14:40
Hi thanks for the info.
I have tried several files today using the rs232 but keep getting this error
"Time out when read data!" or "Read raw file fall"
I have checked my cable and that seems to fine.
Any ideas please.

01-07-2015, 15:09
Disconect from the power source,launch loader,load sw,select all sw+bootloader,click next then plug the receiver.