View Full Version : Help my - Amiko 8260+

19-10-2015, 14:04
Please help someone bought a 8260+ amiko indoor unit , but the Hungarian Digi TV CI + module is not Akaji accepts in principle is good to him , what can I do ??? Thank you in advance for your help answers!

19-10-2015, 15:56
slightly above give details of the new receiver AMIKO 8260+ and what's the problem with you something about what your reciver dahlias problem themselves or other St. clarify the question pozz

19-10-2015, 18:45
The indoor unit amiko hd8260 CI + module into the tax will put the Digi TV CI + module and a subscription card in it, and did not recognize the module, who wrote that there is no association with the TV ???

19-10-2015, 20:29
Try to download latest S/W EMU Version on here and see if there is any change.

07-11-2015, 13:27
slightly above give details of the new receiver AMIKO 8260+ and what's the problem with you something about what your reciver dahlias problem themselves or other St. clarify the question pozz
thank you managed to solve an older EMU, the problem now is that the web TV and IP TV listings will not scan a USB stick, and when I enter the titles will not come into the broadcast ???

07-11-2015, 13:27
Try to download latest S/W EMU Version on here and see if there is any change.

thank you managed to solve an older EMU, the problem now is that the web TV and IP TV listings will not scan a USB stick, and when I enter the titles will not come into the broadcast ???

07-11-2015, 13:29
thank you managed to solve an older EMU, the problem now is that the web TV and IP TV listings will not scan a USB stick, and when I enter the titles will not come into the broadcast ???