View Full Version : Amiko HD mini combo password protected help

28-02-2016, 20:45
can anyone give me some advice on this please?
I have an Amiko Mini combo that is password protected. Its a long story but I cant get in contact with the guy who i bought if off and now it has ran out but I cant get in it because its password protected, is there any possible way to reset it and start again.
Any help please would be great
thanks for looking

28-02-2016, 20:51
can anyone give me some advice on this please?
I have an Amiko Mini combo that is password protected. Its a long story but I cant get in contact with the guy who i bought if off and now it has ran out but I cant get in it because its password protected, is there any possible way to reset it and start again.
Any help please would be great
thanks for looking
you need to install new frimware with option all sw+bootlogo if you can do with usb stick is easy for you if not than you have to do it via rs232 cable http://i.iinfo.cz/images/91/amiko-mini-hd-redukce-rs-232-1.jpg

29-02-2016, 12:50
you need to install new frimware with option all sw+bootlogo if you can do with usb stick is easy for you if not than you have to do it via rs232 cable http://i.iinfo.cz/images/91/amiko-mini-hd-redukce-rs-232-1.jpg

Thanks Ari for this. I did try with usb but now I get SW is not designed for this HW, please change back to official SW ----0e080a00001e82 ??
so what should I do now, and how do i use this rs232 cable please

29-02-2016, 17:29
I have tried to flash my Amiko mini combo but I dont have a 9 Pin on my pc to connect the 9 Pin RS232 Serial Port to 3.5mm Jack Programming Cable.
How can I get around this anyone know? Would a usb to 3.5 mm jack work if there is such a thing?

On the back of the Amiko box it says RS232 here which is a 3.5mm jack plug.

14-03-2016, 20:13
I have got all the correct gear now Rs232 lead and have tried many,many times to flash the combi but it just keeps failing have tried all the tutorial ways to flash it but no good can anyone help please